How to Prepare Yummy Decent Cheese Scrambled Eggs

Decent Cheese Scrambled Eggs.

Decent Cheese Scrambled Eggs You can cook Decent Cheese Scrambled Eggs using 3 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Decent Cheese Scrambled Eggs

  1. It's 3 of eggs.
  2. It's 1 cup of cheese (any).
  3. Prepare of Butter/nonstick butter spray.

Decent Cheese Scrambled Eggs step by step

  1. Spray skillet with nonstick butter spray or apply butter and let the skillet heat..
  2. Crack eggs in seperate bowl and scramble.
  3. Pour eggs into skillet and cook until liquid is slightly visable.
  4. Sprinkle desired amount of cheese onto eggs.
  5. Continue to cook until done.
  6. Add dash of salt if needed.
