Recipe: Perfect Simple Microwaved Scrambled Eggs

Simple Microwaved Scrambled Eggs.

Simple Microwaved Scrambled Eggs You can cook Simple Microwaved Scrambled Eggs using 8 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Simple Microwaved Scrambled Eggs

  1. It's 2 of eggs.
  2. Prepare of Butter.
  3. You need of Salt.
  4. Prepare of Optional Ingredients.
  5. Prepare of Soy sauce instead of Salt.
  6. Prepare of Mushroom.
  7. It's of Cheese.
  8. It's of Cream.

Simple Microwaved Scrambled Eggs instructions

  1. Mix together all ingredients in a bowl..
  2. Microwave for 2 mins..
